The administrational order was disregard of the law. 这项行政命令置法律于不顾。
Review on the Independence of Corporate Personality and Disregard of Corporate Personality in the new Company law; Principle of judicial independence refers to justice independence and procuratorial independence in China. 新《公司法》中的法人人格独立与否认制度浅析司法独立原则在我国是指司法权独立,即独立审判和独立检察。
Open disregard of the law; open family strife; open hostility; a blatant appeal to vanity; a blazing indiscretion. 对法律公开的漠视;公开的家庭冲突;公开的敌意;明显的追求虚荣;明显轻率的举动。
The system of disregard of corporate personality first established by Anglo-American case law was accepted by Chinese company law in2006. 英美法系在判例中最先确立的公司人格否认制度,在我国2006年的公司法典中被明确确立。
He is a criminal with a total disregard of the law. 他是个完全无视法律的罪犯。
And having Military members stationed in a country where they do not identify with the local authorities or maybe even look down up on them can lead to disregard of the law all together. 在国外驻军的军人并没有和当地人一样的正常生活,并不属于当地政府的管辖,有时他们会看不起当地政府,这样他们当然也不会注意当地的法律和人民。
What we are seeing is disregard of the law. 我们看到的是漠视法律。
Disregard of corporate personality is a case law principle initiated in judging corporate dispute cases by American court, also called by lifting the veil of the corporation. 公司法人格否认是美国法院在审理公司纠纷案件中首创的一个判例法原则,也称揭开公司法人面纱。
The Times Value of the "Disregard of Corporate Personality" Theory& An analysis of the amended Company Law of PRC 公司法人格否认法理的时代价值&兼论《公司法》的修改
As a result, the system of disregard of the corporate entity has been established in 'The Law of Corporation'. 针对于此,我国在新《公司法》中确立了公司法人人格否认制度。
Discussion on the Legal Principles of the Disregard of Corporate Personality in Japanese Corporation Law 浅谈日本的公司法人格否认之法理
As to the aspect of legislation, reasonable factors of the legislative and judicial patterns oversea ought to be used for reference so that the system of disregard of the corporate personality can finally be established in the pattern of law of constitution in China. 在立法上,应借鉴域外立法和司法模式的合理因素,最终以制定法模式确立我国公司法人人格否认制度。
In Chapter I, I make a brief introduction to Disregard of the Corporate Entity and point out that the independent corporate personality and limited liabilities of shareholders are the general principle of corporate law, while Disregard of the Corporate Entity is an exception. 第一章为理论分析,概括介绍了公司法人人格否认制度,并指出公司法人人格否认制度是公司法结构中公司法人人格独立、股东有限责任的一般原则的例外;
Disregard of corporate personality system reflects law's pursuit for fairness and justice in essence. 公司法人格否认制度的产生,体现了法律对实质意义上的公平和正义的追求。
By perfecting judicatory decipher, it puts forward to how to solve practical problems of applying the method of the disregard of corporate personality. This is the demand of development of the market economy and perfect company law in our country. 通过对司法解释的细化和完善,提出如何在我国司法实践中应用公司人格否认的方法解决现实公司问题,这是社会主义市场经济快速发展的需要,也是完善我国公司法的需要。
Theories on the disregard of corporate personality system a lot of achievements were made in our law field. And the suggestion to establish the system under the Company Law has been adopted by legislation. 关于公司法人格否认的理论,我国法学界有大量的研究成果,而且在《公司法》中确立法人格否认制度的建议也被立法所采纳。
The substantial provisions about the system of Disregard of the Corporate Personality in the "Company Law" of our country which established not so long are analyzed from the perspective of Civil Procedure law; thereby the urgency of the research and establishment of procedural rule is reveal. 对于在我国确立尚不久的法人人格否认制度,从民事诉讼法的角度对其实体规定进行了分析,由此揭露了目前我国关于法人人格否认之诉的程序规定的研究与确立的紧迫性。
Nowadays, the research relating to Disregard of Corporate Personality in China is focused on Civil and Commercial Law. 目前对公司法人人格否认的研究,多集中于民商法领域。
And Disregard of corporate personality system itself as a company law system is established in market economy, make it in the process of the applicable with the same basis, and the transplant also have natural advantage. 而Z公司法人格否认制度本身作为建立在市场经济基础上的技术立法,使得在移植的过程中具有与英美德各国同样的适用基础,其移植也具有天然的优势。
"The system of disregard of corporate personality" is a hot issue that has been discussed widely and deeply in recent years both in the commercial law theory and judicial practice circle. 法人人格否认制度是最近一些年商法理论界和司法实务界讨论非常多的一个热点问题。
Both groups are from the liquidation of the composition, terms, etc. to be provided for the disregard of the law, refused to fulfill obligation people clearing the lack of clear responsibility for the terms and provisions of the sanctions. 均是从清算组的组成、职权等方面予以规定,对无视法律规定,拒不履行清算义务的责任人缺乏明确的制裁条款和责任条款。
In our country, the study of disregard of corporate personality stays on primary stage. The law is not integrated, and the judge rarely apply this system in practice, so that it is difficult to make it work in China. 而我国目前对于该制度的研究也处于起步阶段,法律规范不够完整,实践运用较少,难以实现公司法人格否认制度应有的功效。
Disregard of the corporate entity is the exception to the basic principles of the company law. It effectively remedies the defect of the limited liability and the corporate entity. 公司人格否认是公司基本制度的例外,有效地弥补了股东有限责任和公司独立法人人格的固有缺陷。
Disregard of corporate personality as a result of the system of substantive and procedural law provisions of the deficiencies identified in such difficult cases and difficult to implement. 由于公司法人人格否认制度实体法和程序法规定上的缺陷,造成该类诉讼案件认定难和执行难。